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Perforated Paper Portfolios are an interesting form of needlework produced occassionally by avid needleworkers - generally not schoolgirls, in the 19th century. They were typically backed with silk and bound together like a thin book and used to hold letters, sketches and personal papers. Fortunately, Julia D. Brown's portfolio was framed and preserved at some point in its history.

Although Julia used both half- and full-cross stitches, NWP have charted the portfolio in all cross stitch. Use one strand of floss on 18ct perforated paper or 36ct fabric (over 2 threads) to create a design slightly larger than the original size of 9.75” wide x 12.5” tall for each side.

Stitch count of 193W x 246/244H, the design (measuring 10.7”W x 13.7”H) fits on a 12” x 18” piece of 18ct perforated paper. It could also very easily be stiched on 36ct linen with a similar effect.

Threads: Blackbird, Colonial Rose, Joshua Tree, Chocolate Cream Pie, Licorice Red, English Ivy, Honeycomb, Manor Red, Autumn Spice, Dublin Bay, St. Bernard, Roasted Chestnut, Pea Pod, Mocha, Tomatillo, Woodland or Wilderness,  Spinach, Chopped Chives, Wavy Navy Frosted Sage, Desert Sand, Perfect Piecrust Campfire, Nutmeggie, Wisconsin Woods

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