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Clemence Jauneau 1889 - Couleur Tourterelle
Reproduction Sampler - French 19th Century

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This remarkable sampler is part of the personal collection of Meriem Chauvet of Couleur Tourterelle who collects antique French samplers.

In addition to featuring the young stitcher's name, Clémence Jauneau, and date it was completed, 1889, the sampler also includes Ecole des Soeurs de Notre Dame - Souday, the name of the catholic school where the sampler was completed. It was presumably under the guidance of the nuns of this religious institution that Clémence practiced her needlework skills. Interestingly, other samplers can be found with different motifs but similar layout and with the exact same school signature. One is dated 1901, proving the continuity of needlework teaching in this school.

Searching through archives the designer was able to locate and identify the stitcher, who lived all her life in Souday*, and found she was only 11-years old when she completed this work.

*Souday is a small rural town in western France, not far from Chartres. 

This design features six large birds, including a pair of nesting birds within a wreath of foliage and wild flowers. Two bird designs can be traced back to a pattern sheet in the "Magasin des demoiselles". Also noteworthy is the border of roses, in bud and full bloom, alternating white and pink. The design is very dense with every space filled yet achieves a perfect balance.

Reproduction Sampler stitched using Soie d'Alger silk from Au Ver à soie (AVAS) or DMC, with cross stitches worked over 2 fabric threads on 40ct linen. Size 15.8 x 16.5 inch (40 x 42 cm). The chart only includes regular and full cross stitches so you can stitch it on any fabric of you choice.

Chart size in stitches: 318 x 335 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 40ct Newcastle linen from Zweigart ,in color platinum (770)
Stitched size: 15.8 x 16.5 inch (40 x 42 cm)
Stitches: cross stitch over 2 threads
Threads: Soie d'Alger silk from Au Ver à soie (AVAS) or DMC
Number of colors: 32

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