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MARION ROBERTSON 1834 - The Scarlet Letter
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"This sampler features many of the elements of design that distinguish Scottish samplers, including the arcaded floral band at the top, familial initials, peacocks with seven tail feathers, the bold color scheme with dominant reds and greens, and the famous mansion house. Of this large house, which appears in various shapes and forms on so many eighteenth and early nineteenth century Scottish samplers, Scottish needlework expert, Margaret Swain, wrote in her book Scottish Embroidery: Medieval to Modern (Batsford, London, 1986) "The buildings that occur on Scottish samplers are often thought to be imaginary...It seems probable that the solid symmetrical houses appearing on many Scottish samplers between 1750 and 1850 are not imaginary, but actual houses, too familiar to the needlewoman and her family to need a label."

Stitches used in Marion's sampler include cross, eyelet, rice, and counted satin.

On 35 count linen, the finished sampler will measure approximately 17-3/4" x 14-1/2", almost exactly the size of the original.

The project is recommended for beginning to intermediate level needleworkers.

Copyright The Scarlet Letter. Description thanks to Marsha.

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